Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Did I mention i'm offbeat?

Occasionally I am reminded just how outside the box of a person I am. I'm signed up to a wedding website with discussion forums. I mentioned my cabaret show wedding concept and you'd think I was suggesting that I disembowel a small animal during the ceremony, they're that aghast.
I got reactions that ranged from "I'd think you were nuts, but I think it would be fun" to "I would be offended if I attended a wedding like that, I think it's rude and disrespectful of your guests".  One of the responders put it best - "well, it's a good thing none of us are invited".  Yup - I'm pretty sure there are going to be some guests who think the wedding is kind of kooky, but if they don't think they can let their hair down for an evening and join us in the fun, they are welcome to politely decline the invitation.  I know there are lots of people - both family and friends - who think the idea is fun and can't wait to participate.
Honestly, I was surprised.  This was the website that sent me the 20 Traditions that you don't have to do at your wedding list just a couple of weeks ago after all.  In this day and age where people get married barefoot on beaches and while scuba diving, what's so strange about wanting to be the finale act of a show?  So, I commented about it on Facebook, and got the flip side of the opinion - "It's a great idea. Gives people an opportunity to pay homage to the couple, reinvents the aisle, provides some genuine entertainment, and you'll have the best bridesmaids ever. Plus Youtube."  
 People pointed out that for the average person, having a day all about them where they get to wear a fairytale dress and pick out colors and have a big party is pretty darned creative.  For those of us who live theatrical lives, that can seem a bit mundane.  
 I guess the point I wanted to make today is that at its simplest form, a wedding is people getting up in front of witnesses to announce their intention to pairbond.  What you do beyond that is dependent on your culture, tastes, and personalities. 

Vive le difference!

1 comment:

  1. Ok so this is YOUR wedding and YOUR money so I say you are the Queen and anyone who challenges that, "off with the head!" Well maybe not literally lol. So just to let my illogical logic flow I have to recap: you are planning a wedding of your dreams and graciously including people who are important to both of you, you are going to make an amazing event of the entire thing in an amazing venue to which these specially chosen people are welcome but not obligated to attend, there will be food, and all that is required of them is to enjoy? Ok sure I see how these people who may not be chosen could feel left out and hurt. Poor souls cant go to the fancy wedding so lets squash the brides hopes and dreams so we feel special and superior! My comment stands! " off with their bloody heads!" Now about that getting married on a float during Mardi Gras.... you have the best darn caberet wedding you gorgeous heart desires and pay no attention to this ninkunpoopery(if that isn't a word I apologize but it should be!)
