Thursday, May 30, 2013

It's been 11 days...

The man of my dreams proposed to me 11 days ago.

This isn't my first kick at the can - I was married 18 years ago (it lasted 6 1/2 years and ended amicably), and I know it might sound cliche, but I really feel that THIS is the right person.

We took our time getting to know each other, didn't rush into moving in together, and I couldn't ask for someone who balances me any better than he does. (Did I mention that I go from a casual-around-the-house quiet person who likes to cook and read books to an incredibly glammed up blonde bombshell in a sequin gown on a regular basis? It takes a special kind of guy to not just tolerate but love, nurture, and support my two alter egos.)

So, 11 days. I find it kind of amusing that as soon as you get engaged and start telling people, they almost invariably say the same thing - "Congratulations! When's the date?" (Um, he only proposed yesterday, let me catch my breath!)

...but, having done this before, and also having produced a plethera of shows before, means I know that nailing down a venue (particularly if it is in demand) as soon as possible is a good policy.

We had been planning on going to Europe next July for the World Yoyo Championships (he's a professional Yoyoer), and then tootling around Italy with backpacks for three weeks. When he proposed he suggested that would make a great honeymoon!  So, the wedding would need to be before July.  Being budget minded, I was considering days of the week other than Saturday.  My future Mother-In-Law reminded me that some of the older relatives wouldn't be up for a late event on a weeknight, so I opted to look at long weekend Sundays. The obvious choice was the Sunday of Victoria Day weekend - which incidentally was the day he proposed to me.  Date Settled!  May 18, 2014.

We'd been discussing what we'd hypothetically want to do for a wedding for a few months, and had loved the idea of a Cabaret show wedding with the ceremony as the finale. It's over the top and not for everyone (my mother spent a good five minutes going "are you kidding?" before she threw up her hands and accepted that yes, her daughter is a ham) but we think it will be a LOT of fun.

So, before we even had our budget in place, I got on the phone to my first choice of venue - The Metro Hall in New Westminster. It's gorgeous - an old dance hall with a stage that has been completely renovated into a glamorous vintage style lounge in red, black, and silver. Black suede furniture, black and white chairs, mirrored tables, and red accent lighting makes this place absolutely ideal for what we had in mind - and meant we wouldn't need much in the way of decor.  My favorite color combination is Red, Black and White, and that was what I had in mind for the wedding colors. No pale pastels for me! I have also produced events and performed at the venue a couple of times in the past, so I am very familiar with it's layout and facilities.  (For prospective brides reading this - they have different color lighting packages available in addition to their standard red)

One of the best things about this venue is the fact that you can arrange your own catering and provide your own alcohol.  Two of the largest expenses in a wedding!  We are planning a small cocktail reception for the wedding party, immediate family, and performers before the show, and then a dessert and candy buffet to accompany the cake for the extended guest list afterwards.

Task #1 of 392,000 done.  I've set myself a formidable task - a glamorous over the top wedding on 1/4 of the average wedding budget in Canada.  Check back in for regular updates as I blog about my progress.
